About Me
Hello, thank you for visiting my website.
My passion for the sea was born prior to my 10th birthday as I was watching Jacques Cousteau’s movies. Just about 10 years later, I started diving and taking underwater pictures with a rented Sea and Sea camera. I have never stopped taking underwater pictures since then.
For one of my birthdays, I got a Nikonos V underwater camera. A heck of a birthday present! This was probably the gift I’ve appreciated the most in my whole life.
Today and since the beginning of the digital revolution, I'm shooting with housed DSLR camera.
As electronics end studies project/thesis, I have developed in 1990-91 a diving computer with optical connection to a PC. That happened before the first diving computer model including a PC connection, was launched on the market (by Suunto).
After hundreds of dives in the dark and cold lakes of my Belgian homeland, I decided to move to Israel to be closer to my beloved Red Sea.
Since then, I had the chance to dive seas. oceans, rivers, lakes... all over the globe.
I love to shoot wildlife underwater, but I love to shoot human models as well.
Over the water, I love to shoot my travels and also music concerts, jazz, street photography...
My underwater photos and articles are published in magazines all over the world: Idive (IL), Diver Magazine (CND), Scuba Diver/Sport Diver (US), Unterwasser (GE), Let's Dive Mag (SP), Underwater Photography Mag (UK), Subaqua (FR), Marine Diving Mag (JP), X-Ray Mag (DK)
Website's Award

The first version of this website has won the Promotion Web Site Prize (Prix du site de promotion) at the 34th edition of the famous Festival Mondial de l’image sous-marine in Antibes – France (October 24th – 28th, 2007)
Prix du site éducatif
à Michel PEAN, Frédéric ANDRE, Vincent MARAN, Commission Environnement et Biologie Subaquatique de la FFESSM
pour http //doris.ffessm.fr
Prix du site de promotion
à Michel Braunstein [Israël]
pour www.braunstein.co.il
Prix du site artistique
à DEWAELE Terence [France]
pour www.scubazur.fr
Below, the look of the winning website at the FFMISM in 2007 and the following one was the next version in Wordpress, just before the present website.

Photo Gallery of me by Friends
Below, a few images shot by friends during underwater photo sessions. The photographers are Borut Furlan, Dany Weinberg, Oren Cohen, Arnon Ayal, Aurella Lelouch, Liah McPherson, Luis Molina, Ran Ton, Boaz Samorai, Ran Golan and I hope I didn't forget anyone...